Joe Rogan Experience #1788 – Mr. Beast

Mr. Beast, real name Jimmy Donaldson, is no stranger to financial success, often pouring millions into iconic videos. This hasn’t always been possible, and Mr. Beast gets vulnerable about his rags to riches story that began with him making a dollar a day off the platform.

Jimmy has spent the past decade reinvesting his earnings back into the channel, highlighting his long-term vision.

Showing the pay offs of making it big, he reveals that he had no interest in school. It was a fact that caused a lot of tension in his home.

Mr. Beast is known for his charitable acts, paying for life-changing operations that heal the deaf and blind. It goes even further than that, and Jimmy reveals he mentors a number of YouTubers, determined to share his success with others. 

Mr. Beast gives hard evidence for why Joe Rogan listeners should tune into what he has to say. He shares how one YouTuber he mentors jumped from making 24k a month to 400k within less than a year.

It’s an extremely motivating listen, and viewers quickly learn that Mr. Beast’s work ethic is on another level.

His crazy commitment is something we should all keep in mind, but Mr. Beast mentions other tips and tricks across the way. He dubs his videos in multiple languages and gets local celebrities to do the voice work, giving him cross-cultural appeal.

This Joe Rogan Experience episode is a must watch for anyone with a passion they’re chasing, and this goes doubly so for anyone with social media aspirations. 

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