- 1 It’s boiling over between baking YouTubers Ann Reardon )How To Cook That) and Sugarologie, and no one’s sugar-coating what they really think.
- 2 Sugarologie Strikes Back at How To Cook That’s Criticism
- 3 How To Cook That Exposes Sugarologie’s False Claims… Again
- 4 How To Cook That and Sugarologie Go Head-to-Head on Baking Technique
- 5 Twice Baked: How To Cook That and Sugarologie Battle for the Second Time
- 6 How To Cook That Takes on Sugarologie’s Misguided Techniques
- 7 How To Cook That Sets the Record Straight on Sugarologie’s Video
- 8 Sugarologie Counters Ann Reardon’s Claims Against Their Hack
- 9 Passions Rise: Fan Backlash in the Intense Baking Youtuber Feud
It’s boiling over between baking YouTubers Ann Reardon )How To Cook That) and Sugarologie, and no one’s sugar-coating what they really think.
How To Cook That (Also known by her real name Ann Reardon) and Sugarologie entered a feud recently when one of How To Cook That’s 4.93 million subscribers sent her a hack she saw on Sugarologie’s Instagram account.
In the tip, the baking content creator showed her viewers how to make vibrantly coloured frosting without breaking the bank using additional food colouring.
Ann Reardon, the person behind How To Cook That, debunked this hack in her extremely popular series where she tests viral cooking tricks. Her frosting does become more saturated, however Reardon implies that Sugarologie, real name Adriana, was hiding the fact that you lost a lot of the frosting’s volume for a more impressive video.
Sugarologie Strikes Back at How To Cook That’s Criticism
Adriana put her scientific background to work in her response video, slamming the Ann Reardon claim that it only worked due to the volume lost from whipping air out of the frosting.
Showing off the skills she learned during her PhD in Biochemistry/Molecular Biology, Adriana praises Ann for the opportunity to “peer review”, and runs her audience through the tests she ran, along with cherry-picking from studies that explain this phenomenon.
She finishes the video by accusing Ann of deception, saying that while there is volume loss, it’s nowhere near as significant as How To Cook That’s video wants you to believe.
Adriana accuses Ann Reardon’s over-simplified conclusion of “serving other priorities”, implying that How To Cook That is not a source to be trusted in spite of her debunking content.
How To Cook That Exposes Sugarologie’s False Claims… Again
How To Cook That shares that “a lot of people asked” for her to revisit the contentious topic from Sugarologie’s Instagram.
The cookbook writer says she directly contacted Adriana, which tracks with the comments under Sugarologie’s response video. In her rundown of the first takedown on How To Cook That’s YouTube channel, she summarises why she considers the other YouTuber’s technique half-baked.
How To Cook That and Sugarologie Go Head-to-Head on Baking Technique
Sugarologie keeps all focus to colours in her hack. How To Cook That highlights this move as manipulative, as she sees the technique working for different reasons than what is presented.
In her original response, Ann stated that the frosting is more saturated due to volume loss, meaning there is less space for the food dye to spread.
Sugarologie’s claims have been completely different, with her refusing to back down from the multi-million subscriber channel. Adriana claims that it’s the emulsion doing the job, with water-based dye able to better distribute through the fatty frosting once blended.
Twice Baked: How To Cook That and Sugarologie Battle for the Second Time

How To Cook that has a host of issues with Adriana treating the colour as the only focus. Ann Reardon claims that “any baker or chef will tell you that texture is just as important as colour”.
Ann worries for Sugarologie’s subscribers, who will end up with a dense frosting opposite to what they’re after by following Adriana’s tip, which is intended to be cost-effective.
In her response, Sugarologie admits to volume loss with her trick. Her experiments leave her with an average of 16% reduction, whereas How To Cook That’s trial had a 36.7% loss of volume. Adriana states it isn’t significant, and the slight loss of volume is more than worth the extra intense colour.
How To Cook That’s new segment is an attempt to stop this drama once and for all. She walks through the process again, focusing on the volume question rather than the colour’s brightness.
Ann Reardon tries to re-whip the frosting while maintaining the new colour. She spends a while whipping, but is unable to get the volume back up properly.
Proving Ann’s air hypothesis, the colour change is reverted once the frosting is re-whipped.
How To Cook That Takes on Sugarologie’s Misguided Techniques
How To Cook That is stumped. While Sugarologie holds both a scientific master’s degree and a PhD, Ann has also worked in food science. Weaponising this knowledge, she explains that the scientific method needs to be repeatable. Ann concludes that if they’re using pretty much all the same supplies and amounts, the difference must come down to technique.
How To Cook That extends the question onto her audience. Ann may not have been able to effectively replicate the results, so she asks her viewers to try if they’re interested, as more data would be extremely helpful in settling this heated debate.
How To Cook That Sets the Record Straight on Sugarologie’s Video
Earlier in the video, Ann Reardon comments that she knows what she’s saying goes against Sugarologie’s statements. She says that she’s not about getting into YouTube drama, and directly contacted Adriana about the issue.
This tracks with Sugarologie’s recap of events. Her original pinned comment shared an email she sent Ann, explaining her process with intense scientific accuracy, something that wasn’t in the initial YouTube short.
Sugarologie Counters Ann Reardon’s Claims Against Their Hack
Following the release of Ann Reardon’s new video, she’s updated her original response video with a new pinned reply. The comment ends with the same email as the first pinned response, however the start of its content is an updated reply to the new video.

Adriana is exhausted with trying to “keep up”, as new variables are constantly being introduced into the tests. She discredits Ann’s video by mentioning a list of these. These include Reardon using a different frosting again, her steps being in a different order to Adriana’s, and the ice bath she mentions in her response video being completely absent.
Passions Rise: Fan Backlash in the Intense Baking Youtuber Feud
The two won’t share a slice of their cake, both standing firm in their opinions and opposing the others. Given the lack of compromise on either side, the situation has grown ripe for taking sides.

Underneath Sugarologie’s video, Adriana’s supporters are lost for words at why How To Cook That is targeting a smaller creator. Lucy Goosey praises the YouTuber for standing strong in the face of the attacks.

She’s not the only one receiving this type of praise. Many commenters underneath How To Cook That’s recent video consider Ann a smart cookie for not feeding into the drama.

It’s not all positive on either channel. There are some fans in competition, attacking supporters on the other side of the fight.

Others are sick of both content creators for refusing to co-operate and their need to be right. Kathryn Mountford and Matt M see each conclusion as being right, with only the YouTubers’ focuses being different. Where Sugarologie looks at colour, How To Cook That emphasises texture and volume.
Fans have soured on each YouTuber with their inability to work together. Supporters of How To Cook That have started rooting for the underdog, and swapped sides.

Other How To Cook That fans aren’t moving. Villanelle praises “our Ann” for her class, and slams Sugarologie for rallying her fanbase against Ann Reardon.
this whole situation is just ehhhh. Ann never responded to concerns about lumping a smaller creator in with harmful hacks, keeps making small mistakes with absolute authority, and in general acting in ways that continue to undermine her credibility as a debunker and champion of real content creators. Not to mention this same vid has a potato hack debunking and that hack does work? Another story lol.
This Reddit user accuses Ann Reardon of the same things. With How To Cook That’s video finishing with Ann asking her viewers to trial the experiment, there may be some truth in this criticism.
We’ll have to sit tight to see what How To Cook That’s fanbase stirs up, proving once and for all who is on the right side of this baking fight.
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